How easily is that done? From info online it would appear to be possible but it is not clear to me, how easy this would be. Say I found a couple of interesting papers at work, email/copy/whatever to the iPad, leave the office and read on the road. Is that possible? All the info I found so far online would indicate no.Īlso, it would be awesome to be able to email or otherwise get to the iPad papers I have. However if it is interesting I would want to save it. I do a lot of searching for academic papers and reading them or least skimming. Sorry to hog this for one more iPad related question: Message #12 Posted by PeterP on, 2:49 p.m., Message #11 Posted by PeterP on, 2:49 p.m., The only emulator I think that will make the most sense would be a 71B.Īllow me to correct myself.
Message #10 Posted by Egan Ford on, 12:58 p.m., Re: OT: iPad (Was: Best HP-15C emulator for the iPod/iPad) So far I am happy with it and very happy to dump paper newpapers, magazines, and books.Įdited:, 1:09 p.m. Hopefully in the future the iPhone OS will have some type of widget support-mini apps that run on top of other apps, but I doubt it. Tying up the entire screen just for a calculator seems a bit ridiculous.
I need to create an iPad skin for it (no time). The only emulator I think that will make the most sense would be a 71B. Its actually easier to just keep using the iPhone as my calculator. All the iPhone emulators work, but blown up. It was always too small and a drain on the battery.Īs for calculator emulators.
I no longer use my iPhone for portable video. Wired will be digital soon leaving only one journal that is paper. Touch typing is actually doable.Īll of my publications except two are available in PDF, so I switched over MAA, ACM, and SciAM. The battery life is incredible, the form-factor is great, the WiFi sucks (SW fix being worked on), the screen is beautiful. Fortunately, the B&N Nook was late or hard to get, then Apple announced, and I waited, and I am very glad I did. So, I proved to myself that I should probably invest in an eReader. Last November I actually read a book on my iPhone mostly on NY subways and taxis. Hauling around a lot of paper to read was getting me down. I spend about 80 hours a month in public transportation (mostly planes followed by taxis, trains, subways, and buses). It's a big iPod touch primarily suited for the consumption of visual media as apposed to audio media. Message #9 Posted by Egan Ford on, 12:33 p.m., OT: iPad (Was: Best HP-15C emulator for the iPod/iPad) I think I'll have to wait less than 12 months for someone to create the perfect tablet. Since my original need was content consumption the iPad fit perfectly. Nothing bests a pen for quick notes, drawings, etc. I carry a Moleskin notebook in my bag for taking notes.
The best iPad art software still takes a professional 2x longer than pen and paper. A stylus would allow for content creation. I wish the iPad had a stylus in addition to touch. Message #8 Posted by Egan Ford on, 1:06 p.m., Maybe it took more work than I ever imagined it would. Waaay back in the dark ages of 80s, I dreamed of having a display that was touch-sensitive, that I could draw on-that instead of a digitizer or a mouse, I could "trace" on it-and now it looks like that technology is emerging. Message #7 Posted by bill platt on, 11:07 a.m., You had to say this, didn't you? You had to! Knowing we are all geek, lusting after every new gadget. Message #6 Posted by PeterP on, 10:21 a.m., "The keyboard is still king", Egan types on his keyboardless iPad. Message #5 Posted by Egan Ford on, 9:31 a.m., Message #4 Posted by bill platt on, 2:42 a.m., Message #3 Posted by Namir on, 12:59 a.m., That said SCI-15C is snapper and still my default 15C. RPN-15C has a lot of features (X,Y,Z,T display, macros, variable key size, portrait mode, etc.) and is only $7. SCI-15C and RPN-15C I think are the best. Message #2 Posted by Egan Ford on, 11:09 p.m., Re: Best HP-15C emulator for the iPod/iPad PS: I bought the 41CX, 42S (two versions) and the HP-21 emulators. That's a bit steep compared to the other 15C emulators in the Apple Store. What is the best HP-15C emulator for the iPod? I saw HP selling one for $29.95. Message #1 Posted by Namir on, 9:16 p.m. Best HP-15C emulator for the iPod/iPad The Museum of HP Calculators